Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

Please find below the name list of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)

Committee type Name of the Committee Member Profession Associated with Residential Address Mobile E-mail
Internal Complaint Committee Mr. Vivek Pathak Service NIPS LX 1303, Utsa Housing, New Town, Kolkata 700156 9836525252 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Mr. Joseph Uttam Gomes Service NIPS 5/2 RamShankar Roy Lane, Kolkata – 700014 9874333539 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Mr. Ranabir Ray Service NIPS I-302 Subhasree Housing Complex
New Town, Kol 156
9874118881 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Mr. Samrat Dutta Service NIPS 19,Kalabagan Lane,Tollygunge, Kolkata – 700033 7686088318 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Ms. Priyanka Samanta Service NIPS 142/B, NSC Bose Road, Kolkata- 700040 9874033133 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Mrs. Sanghamitra Chakraborty Service NIPS Block A, Flat No – 2D, Nilachal Complex, Rafi Ahmed Kidwi Road, Kolkata -700055 9874090496 [email protected]
Internal Complaint Committee Mr. Pradyut Saha Service NIPS 20/10 Shiblok Appt,
Jugipara DumDum,Kol-700028
9674167726 [email protected]