Revenue Managers

Professionals in charge of maximizing business and generating maximum revenue for an organization. Revenue Managers work closely with sales teams, reception desk employees and the hotel general manager in areas of promotion, business planning.

Food Photographer

A specialist work to create and capture attractive, beautiful and enticing still life images of food for magazines, cookbooks, restaurant promotional materials, and Web.

Food Stylist

A Professional food stylists are artists with a culinary flair. They use colour, shape, texture and food compatibility to create an artistic plate; one which is as appetizing and stunning.

Food Broker

As a food broker the main responsibilities provide a service to wholesale retail stores, distributors, or to other food manufacturers negotiating and selling food products.

Food Writer

Foodies who also love to write can combine these interests by working as a professional food writer. Food writers may work as magazine or newspaper journalists, write books or create blogs.


A professional who conducts extensive food research on multiple topics of hospitality. Collecting, organizing, analyzing and penning down their findings in research papers.